01 January 2011

FatherPOV 2.0 - Beta Release

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! I am not one to make New Years resolutions. I have never known anyone that has actually full-filled a resolution or even made it past the end of January. With that thought in mind it is a little ironic that I begin my "point of view" blog again. Many of you read my WordPress hosted blog of the same name. Well think of this as version 2.0! When I originally set out with the old version I had a vision of grandeur towrite meaningful articles that would impact my readers. Maybe it would calm the fears of a new parent facing the newly confronted diagnosis of a complex medical child.

I'm not suggesting that it did not live up to its purpose, but as I wrote, I felt as if it had no identity or the continuity I had envisioned. At least in my opinion. About the same time I became a part of the Twitter community to engage with others in similar situations and I have met some incredible individuals through that outlet. As I read their incredible blogs, I found myself wanting to strive to be even more purposeful as I have learned a great deal from their writings. That is when it occurred to me that I was not being myself. Yes they were my words, my thoughts, but I was only writing when I felt there was something of value - at least in my humble mind. I still intend to write about my insights, experiences, pitfalls of raising a son with a deadly disease and the system that makes it frustrating and complicated. At the same time I want to blog more freely about what ever strikes me. Hopefully, that will equate to more frequent blogging - and that is NOT a New Year's resolution by the way. This is a fresh start that just happened to be on 1-01-11.

I chose Blogger because I felt there was more customization opportunity here. It is kind of like furnishing your house, in my mind. I have also been very stressed lately with so many things going on with my son. I needed the creative outlets to distract me from those so that I remained focus to be a strong advocate for him. I hope everyone enjoys the "improved" version. I appreciate your indulgence in my need for a fresh start and of course for taking the time to read. May this new year bring you all blessings and joy.
Please take a moment to share your thoughts in the comments below. 
Thanks for reading my point of view! 

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